Wow! I can't believe Kaeli is
20 months old already! She is such a good little girl. People in public generally comment on how good she is!! I tell them to visit around 2-3am and see her "other side", hahahaha.... Yes, sleep issues continue, but we have made progress by just getting in the twin bed in her room and keeping her in her crib. She has fallen back to sleep and seems satisfied with that option. It allows mommy to get much better sleep and I don't get kicked in the eye, back or head this way!!
She has grown so much - when I look back at the pictures in the archives, I can't get over how much she has grown. She now stands just over 31" tall, but still fits in size 12m clothes!! She will soon make it into 18 month size though, just a pound or two to go!
Did you feel the earth sHaKe the past two nights??????? Kaeli ate
PEAS!!! and asked for MORE!!! Miracle of miracles! I made them the next night just to see if the first night was a fluke! It wasn't!! We are making progress on fruits and veggies and I'm one relieved parent! She likes
grapes and
strawberries lately - good thing it's summer time!
We have now been blessed to have Kaeli home almost 7 months and I can't remember how we lived without her! I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful, happy little girl and to be her mommy.
God picked good!!!