I would not cooperate with mommy so she could take a good picture.... this was the best I would do!
I'm ready for trick or treat!
The princess in her castle...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
what goes up.....
must come down!
eenie... meenie.... minee... mo... down which slide shall I go?
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Believe it or not, she climbed it with no problem! I wasn't sure her legs were long enough!
Ms. Serious.... can you tell mommy found some new settings on her camera? :-)
Kaeli's beautiful smile
Kaeli at the park
Monday, October 23, 2006
To this picture I relate..... This is how I feel most days after my 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am or 5am wake up call from Kaeli. I feel like I'm in the gutter all day, but wouldn't have it any other way. ha.
MMMMMmmmmmmmmm!!!! Lollipop!
Mom & Kaeli hangin' with Shamu
Kaeli practicing her balancing at Sea World
little blessings.... I'm always amazed to see peoples reactions to Kaeli when we are out and about. In addition, it's amazing how many people give her little blessings. A lady walked up and offered this stuffed horse to Kaeli. She said they couldn't take it on the plane with them and gave it to Kaeli!
hmmm... where should we go next, mommy?
Kaeli and Daddy checking out the sea lions
how cute is he?
The pumpkin fish at Sea World
Who cares about the fish?!?!? She wanted her picture with the candy corn!!! :-)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
the princess at the pumpkin patch... so much for flash!
Picking out a pumpkin!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Squishy face again! We attempted to do some fall decorating today - it's still HOT here and we probably could have used a dip in the pool!!