Friday, December 23, 2005

almost Christmas!

I apologize there are no new photos to upload. We have a new camera and I don't know how to use it yet! I'm a little too busy to take the time to learn, but daddy is home for 4 days so we will hopefully have some pic's to post in the next few days!
Kaeli is doing well - healthy, thankfully. Many of you may remember that she came home with a double ear infection and broncholitis last December. She was feeling better by last Christmas, but still not 100%. It will be a fun morning on Sunday, I'm sure!!
This year, she is talking up a storm! My attempts to have her sit on Santa's lap have failed. She will only give him a high five, blow kisses and wave. I've even tried the guilt trip route with "poor Santa is going to cry".... which results in nothing, other than Kaeli repeating what I've told her. hahahaha.... Oh well, there is always next year!