Wednesday, February 08, 2006

27 months old!

Wow! Where has all this time gone?
It was beautiful outside this afternoon so we spent a while out in the sun and fresh air! We've been a little busy lately and haven't done that too much.
We are so proud of Kaeli - she can sing her ABC's (except for m, n, o and r) and is now counting to 15!! We still don't know if she will be right or left handed. I have noticed her using her right hand more, but can use both (I think she's doing it to throw us off!!). She loves to sing "I'm a little tea pot", "Santa Claus is coming to town" (she has no concept of just sing that one at Christmas time), "Happy Birthday" (which comes out "Happy day to you", so we can sing it to anyone, anyday and it will be a hit!!).
Kaeli is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Caroline Sholar!! Her mommy & daddy leave on the 9th or China and will be home on the 24th of this month. We are keeping the family in our prayers - it's a remarkable (yet tough) journey they are on. We are excitied to be able to see another family adopt from China that lives locally. Caroline is waayyyy cute and is about 10 months younger than Kaeli.