Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I need help finding one of these for Kaeli!! The most likely place is a party store in the Blue's Clues birthday party favors. I've checked Walmart, Target, Toys R Us, 4 party stores and online (including ebay, where they are going for around $15!!!)... I can't find one.
Kaeli received one of these in a birthday party goody bag. A friend recently came to play and was very attached to the notebook and I told them they could have it. Kaeli did not cry, pitch a fit and let the other child take it. I promised her I would replace it, not knowing I wouldn't be able to easily.
If you have any ideas where to look, please email me spikenboo2003@yahoo.com. I really want to replace this for her (and she reminds me daily that I'm supposed to)!! Thanks!!!

(see picture below)