Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Six weeks ago today... we returned home to the USA

It's hard to believe it's only been 6 weeks since Kaeli became an American Citizen! She is an amazing little girl and has grown so much! We both feel so blessed and complete to have her in our lives. She has such a wonderful personality and is quite expressive.
We can't wait to teach her new things - so far, she can point to her belly, nose and ears. She can sign language for "more" and says Mama, Dada, Papa, and "gaaammmmaaaaa" hahahaha! She has been trying to repeat "I love you" and it melts my heart. Last night she was falling asleep on my lap and looked up at me just before she went to sleep and said "I wab u". I whispered I love you too and she went to sleep and SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! AMAZING!
For those of you that haven't met her yet, I can't wait for you to see how full of life she is!