Monday, December 13, 2004

Consulate Appointment today

Hello! Kaeli continues to become more comfortable with us. She is walking with holding only one hand, she doesn't like to walk with you holding both hands. She is laughing and smiling more each day. We still have to rock her to sleep or she just cries. But, I trust that it will get better.
Today we go to the American Consulate and we have to go through the very basic swearing in process.
She is chattering more - loves to immitate sounds and movements. She can cop a little 'tude when she wants -just like her momma!
She now owns five pairs of squeaky shoes and a little silk dress. I managed to buy her two outfits that finally fit better. The 12m is just a little to big - she looks like a teenager with her diaper hanging out the top and her pants half way around her butt... hahahaha!
She eats well - knows that when she is in the highchair that she's going to eat. She likes eggs, tater tots, & oatmeal.
We are so anxious to get home - we won't be going out for Chinese anytime soon - so don't ask!!:-P
We will see you soon!

Rog, Deb & Kaeli