Saturday, December 11, 2004

Hello from Guangzhou!

We made it safe and sound to Guangzhou. Kaeli's first flight was pretty good. She fusses when she is tired and tries to climb to the top of your head. She thinks the barf bag is pretty entertaining! The long fight home should be interesting.
She continues to come out of her shell each day. She is just about walking on her own! We bought her some new pink shoes yesterday and she is "happenin'"... Her smile will melt your heart (when it appears!). It is becoming more common each day.
She had her medical exam and weighs in at a tiny 16.4lbs! She is a peanut! I can't tell you what size shoes yet - since the Chinese measuring is different than American.
Roger is feeling better - good thing he had the Z-pac!
Kaeli loves her momma... I think she thinks I'm "it"! Little does she know that Baba is going to spoil her rotten! She'll figure it out soon enough!
She just had a breakfast consisting oatmeal, noodles and goldfish! MMMMmmm!!!Right now we let her eat whatever she wants - when we get home, I won't be making spaghetti for breakfast!! hahaha!
Hope everyone is well - We will see you all in a few days!
Rog, Deb & Kaeli