Sunday, December 05, 2004

Greetings from Beijing!!

We made it! We can't believe we are here! It's Sunday morning about 7:15am and we are heading to church this morning and then to the Great Wall. It's cold here (for us) but we are packing on the clothes and staying warm.
Tomorrow is our travel to Nanchang and then we will get Kaeli in the afternoon!! We are excited!
While we were walking around yesterday, I kept thinking "PINCH ME!" we are finally here to get our baby!
The flights were long, we saw snow in Minneapolis as we ran to catch the connecting flight to Tokyo. The flight to Tokyo was about 12-13 hours llllooonnnggggg..... then we had an additional 4 hour flight to Beijing.
We hope all is well at home!
Rog & Deb