Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Empress has arrived....

and that she is! She is a little cutie - but tired. We are trying to let her take short naps so we can hopefully get her on eastern standard time quickly. She does not go down for a nap or sleep without a fight - we hope that will change soon or we'll both be in the nut house! :-) Once she quits fighting sleep - she is a good sleeper, it's just getting her down that is the battle.
We are so happy to be home - to brush our teeth with running water, not worry about getting water in your mouth while you shower is a treat. It's also nice to not use a squaty potty... those things are gross!
So far, she hates the car seat and is okay with the stroller. Each day will bring changes, we just have to be patient and understanding with her.
We love her so much and she has brightened our world. We are so thankful to have her in our lives and we know that she has already attached to us some and each day will get better.
The trip was rough, she did well considering, and we would do it all over again if we had to just to get her (but not anytime soon!!!)
If I don't ever take another plane flight, I'd be happy! 8 flights in 2 weeks is a lot!
We hope she will adjust quickly and that you can all meet her soon!!

Rog, Deb & Kaeli (aka. peanutbutter)