Wednesday, December 08, 2004

We found her!!!

Last night at dinner was her first giggles and smiles! We knew she was in there. But, boy, can she turn it on and off in an instant. We see her feeling more comfortable with us, but not happy in the hotel room. Tomorrow will be her first airplane flight - we are praying that she is mostly over the cold and it won't bother her ears. We have passed on the group activites yesterday and today and just stayed in the hotel to keep her inside so she wouldn't get worse. The Amoxicillian seems to be working. She is a dream in the resturant - loves to be in the highchair and eat congee, pancake, & Cheerios. Last night she ate some kind of broth that smelled like fish (Daddy is happy she appears to like fish) and eats noodles like crazy!
She has not liked fruits or vegetables yet.... not good, but we'll break her!
She had her first poopie diaper this morning - we were almost to the supository stage, but she managed to save herself. :-) (and us!)
We are so anxious to bring her home and get her settled - We miss home and normal food. Although we haven't been exposed to too much by staying in the hotel.
Rog appears to have caught her cold, but had a Z-pac from the dr - so he's on it now and hopefully will get right over it.
Hope everyone is well at home - we will see you soon!!!